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Unity-UI-Extensions / Controls / RadialSlider

Radial Slider


A radial slider which fills in a circular pattern


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Usage

4 Video Demo

5 See also

6 Credits and Donation

7 External links


The Radial Slider is a graphical fill control utilizing Unity's native Image fill capabilities.

It allows you to define a color range for the slider in a circular pattern beginning from the Left hand side (rotate the control for other starting points.) It also has built in Lerping capability and can be used to:

  • Move value to Click
  • Move value to drag
  • Click to Lerp

For this first release, the control is fixed to start at zero. may improve the control (if needed) to support a different start. If you need a different start for now, set the Value/Angle on Start/Awake and NOT in the editor.


The properties of the Radial Slider control are as follows:

Property Description
Start Color The Gradient color for the beginning of the radius.
End Color The Gradient color for the end of the radius.
Lerp To Target Should the control jump to it's intended position or Lerp. *Note, Dragging is only supported when this is off
Lerp Curve Use a standard Lerp or a gradient curve using the Unity native Curve control.
On Value Changed (event) The Event fired when the value of the slider is changed, outputs an Integer value
On Value Changed (event) The Event fired when the value of the slider is changed, outputs an Text value


Simply add the default Radial Slider to the scene using "UI / Extensions / Radial Slider" in the Editor "GameObject" menu.

It is also available as a Game Component menu in "UI / Extensions / Radial Slider".

Video Demo

Click to play

Radial Slider Demo

See also

  • tbc

Credits and Donation

Credit mgear

Sourced from -
