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Unity-UI-Extensions / Controls / UI_Knob



A simple knob radial control which operates like any other Knob you might find on a stereo or dial.


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Methods

4 Usage

5 Video Demo

6 See also

7 Credits and Donation

8 External links


A powerful Knob style control, complete with a multitude of options, such as:

  • Max range
  • Stepped movement
  • Position snapping or free movement
  • Moves Clockwise or Counter Clockwise
  • Controlled through mouse or touch
  • Supports multiple rotations to complete range (how many rotations make the max value)

UI Knob Inspector


The properties of the Scroll Rect Infinite component are as follows:

Property Description
Direction Direction of rotation CW - clockwise, CCW - counterClockwise.
Max Value Max value of the knob, maximum RAW output value knob can reach, overrides snap step, IF set to 0 or higher than loops, max value will be set by loops.
Loops SHow many rotations knob can do, if higher than max value, the latter will limit max value.
Clamp Output 01 Clamp output value between 0 and 1, useful with loops > 1.
Snap To Position snap to position?.
Snap Steps Per Loop Number of positions to snap.
Parent Touch Mask Parent touch area to extend the touch radius.
Mask Background Default background color of the touch mask. Defaults as transparent.

Inherited from Selectable

  • Interactable
  • Transition
  • Navigation


Method Arguments Description
SetKnobValue Angle (between 0 & 1), Loop number Rotates the Knob control to the selected value and loop


To use, simply add to the scene through the Menu option shown here: GameObject -> UI -> Extensions -> UI_Knob

Then apply any images / backgrounds or highlights you need for effect.

There is also a Unity event for when the value changes that you can hook your scripts in to. See the Demo Video for more details.

Video Demo

Demo Video

See also


Credits and Donation

Tomasz Schelenz

Script source
