Non-working keyboard/mouse when split /usr partition is used

Issue #32 resolved
Moises Henriquez created an issue

This issue keeps reappearing. The installer offers the option to mount a different partition as 'usr'. This creates a problem because the init system and udev depend on this being available to them. The result is, the user is able to boot to text mode, and log in, but the GUI desktop is not usable. Mouse and keyboard do not work. Furthermore, other applications such as NetworkManager, and audio drivers are expected to fail.

This Page has some interesting insight on the problem.

Given what we know and how vital the /usr tree is to the entire system, I propose a solution

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Do not offer the option to pick a separate partition to be used as /usr

Comments (4)

  1. Rodrigo Bistolfi

    The real fix to this is to make those apps root prefixed and not usr prefixed (do not compile with --prefix=/usr) so they do not rely in a partition that could not be mounted. If thats too hard I am ok with adding this restriction for this release. I can see udev failing because of this, but NM and audio drivers? everything should be mounted when NM launches

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