Installer doesn't auto start

Issue #7 resolved
Masta created an issue

When booting from the cd, the system will get as far as loading jwm, but the installer does not show up. Trying to run vinstall via terminal fails with some mount errors.

On real hardware environment where the machine has 2 cd/dvd drives. Normally the first drive is called up as sr0, and the second is sr1. This is the case here.

It apears that the installer is looking for the media in sr1. In this case, you need to eject /dev/sr0 and reinsert the cd into the second drive (/dev/sr1), and then run vinstall again. At this point the installer runs as normal.

Also: When using gparted from the jwm menu, I was prompted about a missing libntfs. However, I was able to remove the ntfs partition as planned. I did not check to see if I would have been able to edit that partition, which may be important for those using Windows and want to continue abusing themselves, I mean want to continue using their Windows.

Comments (7)

  1. Masta reporter

    7.1 STD B0.16 built on Mar-15-2013. I am seeing the same results as seen with the B0.15. Installer does not start up on it's own when jwm is loaded, I have to run "vinstall" from terminal, after "eject /dev/sr0" and placing the CD into the /dev/sr1. I wonder if we can't setup a "scan for installation media" like used during the installer. Maybe move/copy this media scan to the earlier stage, where it can hold a tmp media location in memory so that the installer already knows what device to use. Just a couple of thoughts I have in an attempt to help.

  2. Masta reporter
    • changed status to open

    7.1 STD B0.16 built on Mar-15-2013. I am seeing the same results as seen with the B0.15. Installer does not start up on it's own when jwm is loaded, I have to run "vinstall" from terminal, after "eject /dev/sr0" and placing the CD into the /dev/sr1. I wonder if we can't setup a "scan for installation media" like used during the installer. Maybe move/copy this media scan to the earlier stage, where it can hold a tmp media location in memory so that the installer already knows what device to use. Just a couple of thoughts I have in an attempt to help.

  3. Masta reporter

    OK, I've tested the new VL-7.1-STD-B0.17. I confirm that the installer now automaticaly starts up on it's own, and I confirm the installer finds the CD in the /dev/sr0. Great Job there!

    Also, a not for the VL-Light builder. Please upgrade iso with new installer so I cna finish testing that one as well.

    Cheers... Masta

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