grub2.SlackBuild typos

Issue #16 resolved
roarde created an issue

Line 133: Text editor has changed "exit 1" to "exi$"

Line 217: A single pipe was typed instead of a double pipe, so the output of the command is piped to exit 1, rather than the script exiting with error code 1 on command's failure.

I've built this locally for 32-bit with typos fixed, installed the package, then run grub-mkconfig. One result is that "Vector Gnu/Linux . . ." appears on host fs choices, as it should[sic]. It also puts "UUID=(the uuid)" in for root= kernel parameter, which means that, for the present, initrd (containing udev) is necessary to find the fs to be mounted as root. No idea whether the "/dev/sd[a-z][0-9a-f]" present from the installer-generated one was the result of installer activity, or of how grub-mkconfig sets up with the typos present -- which will result in some intended patches not being applied.

Comments (6)

  1. roarde reporter

    Moises - you were gone from IRC before I discovered that this leaves us with a timeout of 5 seconds, not 3. This is the default of /etc/grub.d/00_header if it's not set in /etc/default/grub. In this case it's not.

    Personally, I don't see the problem with 5 seconds as a starting point; was wondering whether 3 might be too short anyway.

  2. roarde reporter
    • changed status to open

    Should BUILDNUM in grub2.SlackBuild be incremented?

    I'm having trouble distinguishing whether RC2.2.4 uses the changed package or the original one.

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