Contents of perl package conflicts with other packages

Issue #1 resolved
Moises Henriquez created an issue

This must have originated from back in the day when we were based purely on slack, but while building the necessary stuff the the bare 7.2 ISO, I ran into the perl package. It turns out the perl.SlackBuild builds a few perl modules and ships them with the perl package. For the longest time ( at least during the 7.1 development), the slackbuild would not raise an error when a module failed to download or build correctly, it just kept going and shipped the ones that did build.

The modules built into the perl package are

  • AppConfig
  • DBD-mysql
  • DBI
  • ExtUtils-Depends
  • Template-Toolkit
  • File-BaseDir
  • URI
  • XML-Parser
  • XML-Simple
  • YAML

The problem is that because some of these were failing in the past, and the slackbuild did not raise an error, we ended up with builders for some of these modules also, for instance the XML-Simple and XML-Parser and maybe others have been setup on the bot as perl-<module_name>.

I think we should package perl without the additional modules, and package the modules we need separately. The reason for this rationale is because packaging it together will make the perl package depend on other packages, ie, if we build the DBD-mysql module, the perl package depends on the mysql package, which is not desirable. And similarly, packaging the XML modules makes the perl package depend on perl-xml-parser which makes no sense at all.

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