Gslapt Error Cancel

Issue #59 resolved
Masta created an issue

I noticed that when selecting an app which is missing a dependancy, and error windows shows up tellingof the missing dep (naturally). It asks if you would like to continue to install the selected package anyways, and you have two button options "Cancel" and "OK". Clicking on the "Cancel" button does nothing.

You can safely close the error window by clicking on th "X" button in the upper corner.

Comments (5)

  1. Moises Henriquez

    I have seen this before. I think this is an upstream bug in the gslapt code itself. Not sure when it appeared

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    this is not an issue. its supposed to tell you about missing deps. theres nothing gslapt can do about it so its moot which buttons of the dialog work so long as you can close it

  3. Masta reporter

    it IS an issue, because when you click cancel button, it should do something or it would not be there, the only other option is to click the OK button, which will continue to mark the selected package for installation and all other dep's to be installed, without all required dep's being present. THIS can cause issue for users, who may have selected other packages to be installed, and are forced to click the OK button in order not to lose all their previous selections. It also causes problems for bug reports to be made because a dep on an application is missing and someone not paying attention, or simply they click OK button because the cancel button does not function.

    These reports should NOT BE MARKED SOLVED when the issue of the bug report still remains. They should not be marked solved because of one's opinion, they should be marked solved only when the actual bug is solved, or it is an upstream issue.

  4. Moises Henriquez
    • changed status to open

    This issue needs to be adressed. I think its upstream, in which case we will have to downgrade gslapt to a working version or find a patch for the current version

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