
Eugen Richter Use git tag information to version nuget packages with FAKE scripts

Created by Eugen Richter
// ----------------------------------------------
// START: Version from git tag
// ----------------------------------------------
type ReleaseType = Release | Beta | Alpha | ReleaseCandidate

/// Get the SHA1 for the last available tag or None, if not tags set in repository
let getShaFromLastTag =
    let gitLastTagShaCommand = "rev-list --tags --max-count=1"
    let ok,msg,error = runGitCommand "" gitLastTagShaCommand
    if ok then Some msg.[0] else None

/// Get the tag name for the given SHA1 commit or None, if no tag for this commit
let getTagForCommit sha =
    let gitLastTagCommand = sprintf "describe --tag %s" sha
    let ok,msg,error = runGitCommand "" gitLastTagCommand
    if ok then Some (msg |> Seq.head) else None

/// Get version from the last tag in git or "0.0.0" version as fallback
let getLastTag prefix =
    let fallbackVersion = "0.0.0"
    let tagVersion =
        match getShaFromLastTag with
        | Some s ->
            match getTagForCommit s with
            | Some ss -> ss
            | None _ -> prefix + fallbackVersion
        | None _ -> prefix + fallbackVersion
    let pattern =
        if isNullOrEmpty prefix then "^" else sprintf "(?<=^%s){1}" prefix
    let pattern = sprintf "%s%s" pattern "(\d+\.\d+){1}(\.\d+){0,2}$"
    let versionRegex = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern)
    match versionRegex.Match tagVersion with
    | s when s.Success -> SemVerHelper.parse s.Value
    | _ -> SemVerHelper.parse fallbackVersion

/// Release state
let getReleaseState =
    let currentBranch = Git.Information.getBranchName ""
    match currentBranch with
    | "master" -> Release
    | "develop" -> Beta
    | s when startsWith s "hotfix/" -> ReleaseCandidate
    | s when startsWith s "release/" -> ReleaseCandidate
    | _ -> Alpha

/// Get the version for assembly (+1 on patch level, if not on master)
let getAssemblyVersion prefix =
    let version = getLastTag prefix
    let patch =
        match getReleaseState with
        | Release -> version.Patch
        | _ -> version.Patch + 1
    sprintf "%d.%d.%d.%s" version.Major version.Minor patch buildCounter

/// Get the version for nuget package (+1 on patch level, if not on master)
let getNugetVersion prefix =
    let version = getLastTag prefix
    let releaseState = getReleaseState
    let patch =
        match releaseState with
        | Release -> version.Patch
        | _ -> version.Patch + 1
    match releaseState with
    | Release -> sprintf "%d.%d.%d" version.Major version.Minor patch
    | s -> sprintf "%d.%d.%d-%A%s" version.Major version.Minor patch s buildCounter

/// TRUE: stable realease
let isStableRelease =
    match getReleaseState with
    | Release -> true
    | _ -> false
// ----------------------------------------------
// END: Version from git tag
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