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Flink / Logarithm Likelihood Surface

Logarithm Likelihood Surface (task LLsurface)

To analyze the logarithm likelihood surface of your data, you can use the task=LLsurface combined with one of the following names and you can also choose a limit until where the parameter will be inferred:

name                    default limit        group        population
LLsurface_alphamax         10.0                V              N
LLsurface_beta            -10.0                V              V
LLsurface_lnkappa          10.0                V              N
LLsurface_Sgroups          ∄                   N              N
LLsurface_p                ∄                   N              N
LLsurface_Amax             10.0                N              N
LLsurface_B               -10.0                V              N
LLsurface_lnK             -10.0                N              N
LLsurface_P                ∄                   N              N
LLsurface_Sworld           ∄                   N              N
LLsurface_a                1.0                 N              N

For some of the parameters, you can also choose the group and the population that you want analyze, fixing on the command line the parameters “group” and “pop”. The value 0 is assigned for the first group (and population), and it is chosen as default.

Example of inferring the likelihood surface of alpha_max:

./Flink task=LLsurface LLsurface_alphamax alpha_max=1.0 limit=12.0 group=0 data=Flink_simulations.txt A_max=0.5 beta=-2.0 B=-6.0 lnK=-1.0 lnkappa=-1.0 S=max Sg=max P=0.5
