Marketplace item value changes

Issue #320 resolved
Josh created an issue

I noticed that in the marketplace, an item you are selling listed under 'My Sale' would show a different value to the price that was set.

The screenshot below shows an item I listed for 3000 credits (3030 with commission)


But as you can see below, the value listed in 'My Sales' is not the same as the set price:


Because of this, when the item sells, in this case only 2999 credits will be received instead of the set 3000

Comments (7)

  1. Wesley repo owner

    Thanks. Fixed in 1.4.0.

    Marketplace will no longer store the calculated prices but instead use the original price the user listed the item as.

  2. Beny

    @Wesley12312 this is still broken. I put an item for 1 credit, I expect it to display as 2 credits in Marketplace. Instead it displays as 3?

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