
Issue #793 resolved
Buggyz created an issue


How can i say that the item a altar crafting is? How can i say this is an altar for crafting? I know you can say to an item by interaction its cracable but how can i get an altar? Where can i set the item to an altar?

Comments (9)

  1. Oliver

    Crafting works with SWF's. You can find altars from googling with Habbo has. You can't create custom altars unless you actually recode the SWF.

    Ex. hween_c15_altar or something like that.

  2. Oliver

    Or if you were asking how crafting works in Arcturus;

    Arcturus has 2/3 tables and you need to configure them in order for the crafting. Spells can be custom, they are not given by emulator.

  3. Oliver

    Yeah, I will do my best with Victorian furni and make them 100% working and release on RageZone, possibly this weekend. :)

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