Saga with colors. Continuation

Issue #65 resolved
Vasyl Zuzyak repo owner created an issue

Winner -


New todo list

  • better include
  • make some generic code in task module, cleanup files with tasks

Comments (10)

  1. Vasyl Zuzyak reporter

    Added one more color module

    It turned out that there are some quantity of javascript libs that work with colors. Due to this we need to start using one of that libs and drop as much as possible of our code.

    For now best way to go is to use static file of one libs.

    For the reference see Issue #65

    → <<cset 01e24cbb098c>>

  2. Vasyl Zuzyak reporter

    colors saga: start of semifinal solution

    Summary: * droppped my own color lib * utils: restored method with random color * task: cleanup

    See Issue #65 for more details

    → <<cset 77ba35a075e3>>

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