Invisible but visbible Trees.

Issue #444 resolved
Num 47 created an issue

After Davz not here chopped down a tree he was unable to see it but I was able to see it, he had to log back in becuase he was unable to drop the axe for me to try. After he logged back in he could then see it.

Davz then passed me the axe to try and cut it into logs and it disappeared on my screen but stayed visible on his. Then when Davz tried to cut it, it disappeared. . He cant see the tree in this screenshot, I do have a video of it but it won't upload... I know the trees being buggy is known too you, just not how much.

Comments (9)

  1. Num 47 reporter

    The output_log is attached aswell because it was in the same session as the server crash, Davz went on to cut down alot of trees before the server crash.

  2. Davz Not Here

    i would say about 20 +/- trees total one after the next with out stopping ...... none of the downed trees were visible to me .....

  3. James Wright repo owner

    In 1.0.4 a step was missed and should be back up and working in .5 :) If not then definitely post back here.

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