Firewood glitches when limit is reached being placed in room/ house known when you can not drop itmes from your inventory..

Issue #569 new
Sage Wise created an issue

Trying to help Lotto with this bug. If a player stacks firewood in a building to a specific limit. Which is known when you can no longer drop items from your inventory seems to cause a de sync between what you see and other players see. Ex Once you load the house and can not drop any more fire wood you have reached that limit. You have to re log to be able to drop anything from your inventory and when you return the fire wood will have exploded out of the building and be strewn around the area and no longer in the room. I had another helper Mezzo who stayed when i logged and said on his end the logs were still in the building as same as my pic 1 but I came back only to see pic 2 even though we are both in same area. We are not seeing the same thing as far as fire wood strewn about. So in some way there seems to be a de sync between what players see even when at the same area. I have been working on this since 2 am now 8 am. I was able to duplicate this bug in another building so its not confined to just one specific house. I have been stacking firewood in bathrooms and now will try to repeat issue in larger rooms. This took place on the US Linux server Lotto can also verify this and will have video which should be easier to make now that I know exactly how to duplicate it. Thanks for your continued hard work and dedication in making a game we all look forward to seeing through to completion. SageWise : ? )

Comments (6)

  1. Davz Not Here

    I wonder if this has anything to do, or is relevant to tickets #551, #444 (resolved), and #537 ?

    all of which involve different players seeing different things, or nothing, or some things and not others.

  2. Num 47

    I have just tried this (on my own on TEXAS) and I was able to fill the cabin up with a lot of firewood I did not reach any limit before I died due to a tree incident, but did get the same effect of the firewood after re-logging.

    I'm not sure how much you where able to drop before the limit but I have attached a screenshot of the cabin half full of firewood, dropping firewood while inside and video after re-log.

    Edit: After I re-logged a person came over wondering why the wood was everywhere and that person joined not long before my death and was not in the same area as me.

  3. Sage Wise reporter

    I also found out that this issue with not being able to drop items not only happens with fire wood but if you spam any item Lotto Dropped guns ammo etc all his inventory I picked it all up and could no longer drop items and had to relog. There also seems to be an issue with desync of trees cut that you do not see but are there and when you hit them you get killed and statement says you got to close to falling tree. If you see a stump and near by you happen to see loot or firewood dumped avoid it as there is an invisible tree over head and your likely to meet the same fate. Lotto now has video of the invisible tree death issue compliments of my deaths by said tree hehe. Glad to see such a great community come together to report and squash these bugs. We all win in the end with an even better polished game in the end. Sage :)

  4. Num 47

    Just done this with Montauk and the lock of item drop happened this time as-well as the effect.The same thing as you with lotto, Montauk see's the the wood in a pile. The wood also blocks his path as it would (I was passing through it on his screen) but on my screen he's walking into an invisible pile of wood. It does seem to be some kind of desync with the physics. Screenshot and video attached:

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