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RUBA / Compilation


Download the latest commit from the master or dev (recommended) branches.

Besides a C++11 compatible compiler, the following libraries are required to compile RUBA:


For Windows, you may use the 'Road User Behaviour Analysis.sln' along with Visual Studio (2015 or greater) to compile the program. The QTPackage plug-in for Visual Studio is recommended. Alternatively, use QT Creator to open the '' file.


  1. Make sure that OpenCV is compiled with FFMPEG and that Qt and OpenCV are compiled using the same compiler and under the same settings.
  2. Open '' with Qt Creator. In the 'Build' menu, 'run qmake' folllowed by 'Build Project "ruba"'.
  3. If the compilation was successful, you should now be able to run RUBA from 'Build -> Run'.
  4. Deployment
    • If you only want to run RUBA on your current machine, you have succeeded. Congratulations!.
    • If you want to run RUBA on other MacOS computers, you need to follow a few more steps in order to bundle the application. See the 'howTo.txt' file located in the 'deploymentScript' folder for detailed instructions.


Follow step 1-3 from the Mac guide above. For Linux, we do not have a common deployment routine. However, you are more than welcome to use your preferred deployment tools to distribute RUBA on Linux.
