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SameGame Documentation

Chess Mines TicTacToe SameGame

SameGame allows you to Same Game on your computer, and has a material style interface. It has different levels which you choose at startup, so if want a tricky game or if your beginning, this game will work for you.

First Steps

When you first open SameGame, the following screen will pop up:

Startup Screen 2

This shows that SameGame is working. To start a new game, click on the start button. You can change the difficulty to make it more or less difficult. The goal of this game is to get the maximum possible number of points, by clicking on squares. Each time you click on a square, you also destroy all the squares that have the same color near it. Each time you destroy a square, you get more points. When you win, the following dialog will pop showing how many points you got:

Dialog 2

After you’ve finished one game, you can start new games, change settings, or close the game when you’re done.

Pausing, Continuing, and Restarting

You pause and continue by swiping left or right, by using the arrow keys, or by holding and dragging the screen. After you've paused, you can click on the start button to see options to restart and resume:

Menu 1

If you click on resume, it'll resume the game. If you click on restart, it'll restart the game (warning: after starting a game you can not get it back).
