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sabroso / Sabroso development installation

Sabroso development installation

Note: These instructions allow for use of the development version of sabroso. Sabroso is intended to be used as a development platform for other software and not to be used by itself. Recommended launch instructions for derived applications with be included in version 0.4.0.

(Written for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS -- modify appropriately for other platforms. When you see <repo>, substitute that with the location of the cloned repository.)

  1. Clone git repository

    git clone

  2. Ensure installation of system dependencies

    MongoDB (follow instructions for community installation here):

    Python 3.5+ (should be installed on Ubuntu 16.04+ by default)


  1. Setup python dependencies

    If you wish to install dependencies using pip3, ensure you first have it installed by issuing: sudo apt-get install python3-pip

    See <repo>/python/requirements.txt. You can install these using pip3 (in some cases you may need to issue a sudo pip3 install) on ubuntu though there might be trouble with the requirements for numpy/scipy/pandas/pyyaml. Use the precompiled packages if desired to avoid trouble, which are python3-numpy, python3-scipy python3-pandas, python3-yaml.

  2. Setup node dependencies

    cd <repo>/js


  3. Start Django REST engine (both this and the front end need to be running separately)

    export PYTHONPATH=<repo>/python

    cd <repo>/python/web

    python3 migrate

    python3 createsuperuser

    python3 addadmindata <repo>/python/examples/d3_scatter/config.yml

    python3 runserver

  4. Start front end (both this and the REST engine need to be running separately)

    • cd <repo>/js

    • If you are running services from a remote host, you will need to modify <repo>/js/app/constants.js and change the constants api_urls.base and api_urls.login_base to match the public URL for your remote host

    • yarn start

  5. After browsing to the local front-end ( by default), you may login with your superuser credentials. Create a project and when you are ready to upload data, you will find a sample dataset at <repo>/python/examples/d3_scatter/example_data.csv which you may upload for testing.
