
Adam Labadorf bitbucket Snippet magic

Updated by Adam Labadorf

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
-        snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_id_and_owner(user,snip_id,bitbucket)
+        snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_id_and_owner(snip_id,user,bitbucket)
         # trim off the COMMIT line so we don't accidentally make unnecessary commits
-        snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_owner_and_id(user,snip_id,bitbucket)
+        snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_id_and_owner(snip_id,user,bitbucket)
         content = snip.content('').decode('utf-8').split("\n")
         if ( content[-1].startswith("#COMMIT") or
              content[-1].startswith("#SOURCE") or
Updated by Adam Labadorf

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
-        snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_owner_and_id(user,snip_id,bitbucket)
+        snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_id_and_owner(user,snip_id,bitbucket)
         # trim off the COMMIT line so we don't accidentally make unnecessary commits
Updated by Adam Labadorf

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
         snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_owner_and_id(user,snip_id,bitbucket)
-        content = snip.content('')
+        content = snip.content('').decode('utf-8').split("\n")
+        if ( content[-1].startswith("#COMMIT") or
+             content[-1].startswith("#SOURCE") or
+             content[-1].startswith("#PULL") ) : # strip off last line
+            content = content[:-1]
         trimmed_cell = "\n".join(content.decode('utf-8').split("\n"))
         if cell_lines[-1].startswith("#PULL") :
             output = set_current_input("%%bitbucket_snippet \"{}\" {} {} {} {}\n".format(*creds)+trimmed_cell
     return output
-#COMMIT added url comment back
+#COMMIT strip off action commands at the end of input on #PULL or #SOURCE
Updated by Adam Labadorf

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 import io
 import re
         snip = Snippet.find_snippet_by_owner_and_id(user,snip_id,bitbucket)
         content = snip.content('')
-        trimmed_cell = "\n".join(content.decode('utf-8').split("\n")[:-1])
+        trimmed_cell = "\n".join(content.decode('utf-8').split("\n"))
         if cell_lines[-1].startswith("#PULL") :
             output = set_current_input("%%bitbucket_snippet \"{}\" {} {} {} {}\n".format(*creds)+trimmed_cell
     return output
-#COMMIT added comments like a good little developer
+#COMMIT added url comment back
Updated by Adam Labadorf

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 from IPython.display import Javascript,HTML,display
 from json import dumps
-# this replaces the content of the current input cell with txt
+# this replaces the content of the current input cell with txt and the output
+# with msg, where msg may be any HTML string
 def set_current_input(txt,msg="") :
     js = ("""Jupyter.notebook.get_selected_cell().set_text({});"""
 # with a bitbucket_snippet cell magic
 def create_bitbucket_snippet(line) :
+    """Create a new snippet with the given title using the username and authentication
+    credentials supplied. The current input of the cell will be replaced with a
+    %%bitbucket_snippet magic command that corresponds to the new snippet. The URL to
+    the snippet on bitbucket is added as a comment.
+    """
     creds_match = re.match(r'"([^"]*)"\s+([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)$',line)
     if not creds_match :
         return "Usage: %create_bitbucket_snippet \"<snippet title>\" <username> <email> <password>"
 def bitbucket_snippet(line,cell):
+    """Cell magic to commit, pull, or source an existing snippet. Usage goes like:
+    %%bitbucket_snippet "<snippet title>" <snippet_id> <username> <email> <password>
+    The last line of the cell defines the behavior of the magic. If the last line is:
+      #COMMIT [<commit message>]
+        Take all the input of the cell except the magic line and commit it
+        as the current source of the snippet. The snippet title will be changed
+        to reflect the title specified in the magic line. The contents of the
+        cell are exec'ed into the global scope.
+      #PULL
+        Replace the source of the current cell, excluding the magic line, with
+        the content of the snippet and execute it in global scope.
+      #SOURCE
+        Execute the source of the snippet in the global scope and do not replace
+        the source of the current cell.
+    """
     creds_match = re.match(r'"([^"]*)"\s+([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)\s+([^ ]+)$',line)
     if not creds_match :
         return "Usage: %%bitbucket_snippet \"<snippet title>\" <snippet id> <username> <email> <password>"
     return output
-#COMMIT added message to output on current input set
+#COMMIT added comments like a good little developer
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

You can clone a snippet to your computer for local editing. Learn more.