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Banner Sample / Multi-size Banner

Multi-Size Banner Placement

Multi-Size banner placements can present banner of varying sizes. For instance it is possible to display a banner of the standard size 320x53, followed by a medium rect angle of size 300x250 within the same placement.


(Note: the green background is an ad container (UIView), into which the placement view is added. It represents the space that is reserved for a multi-size banner placement's view.)

Meta Information

The following sizes are supported for Multi-Size Banner.

  1. 300x250
  2. 320x53
  3. 320x75 (DFP only)
  4. 320x100 (DFP only)
  5. 320x150 (DFP only)
  6. 468x60
  7. 768x90

Please contact the AddApptr support via, in order to let us know which formats you would like to use in your app. The AddApptr team will setup the backend accordingly.

Creating a Multi-Size Banner

A Multi-Size Banner is created by calling the method:


public static func createMultiSizeBannerPlacement(name: String) -> AATMultiSizeBannerPlacement?

This process is just the same as for the normal banner placement.



[AATSDK createMultiSizeBannerPlacementWithName:@"MultiStickyBanner"];
AATSDK.createMultiSizeBannerPlacement(name: "MultiStickyBanner")

Setting the view controller

You can set the current view controller for AATKit, you should set the viewController in your viewController viewDidAppear method.


[AATSDK controllerViewDidAppearWithController:<<your Current ViewController>>];
AATSDK.controllerViewDidAppear(controller: <<your Current ViewController>>)

In the ViewController's viewWillDisappear method, you should do the following:


[AATSDK controllerViewWillDisappear];



Requesting an Ad

A Multi-Size Banner supports manual and automatic reload. For manual reload:


For automatic reload:


Listening to events

To register for multisize banner ad events, set the delegate property on AATMultiSizeBannerPlacement to an object that implements the AATMultiSizeBannerPlacementDelegate protocol.


[self.placement setDelegate:self];


placement.delegate = self

Implementing AATMultiSizeBannerPlacementDelegate

    func aatHaveAdWithBannerView(bannerView: AATBannerPlacementWrapperView) {
        /// This method will be called when there is an ad

    func aatNoAd() {
        /// This method will be called when there is no ad available

    func aatAdCurrentlyDisplayed() {
        /// This method will be called with the ad display event

    func aatResumeAfterAd() {
        /// This method will be called when the app resumes after displaying an ad

Displaying a Multi-Size Banner

In order to show a Multi-Size Banner, its view has to be positioned on the screen, similar to regular banner placements. Since a new placement view is provided each time the Multi-Size Banner specific callback is invoked, a potential previous placement view has to be disposed by the programmer, and a new one has to be positioned. Since the UIView frame can change each time Multi-Size Banner callback is invoked the programmer has to adapt the space available according to the view's frame.

Listening to statistics events

AATStatisticsDelegate is an optional delegate you can implement if you need to get notified about statistics events. and pass it to placement while creating it using this

nativePlacement.statisticsDelegate = self

for more info about it please refer to AATStatisticsDelegate Guide

Sample App
