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REACT native plugin / fullscreenAds

Fullscreen Ads

All functions to create, reload and show fullscreen ads are included to RNAatkit module. So first you should import RNAatkit:


import {
} from '@addapptr/react-native-aatkit'

When AATKit is already initialized, you can create fullscreen placement. Just call createPlacement function passing placement name and the size as RNAatkit.PlacementSize_Fullscreen. Please note that the placement name has to be constant after once defined and cannot change with every app restart.


RNAatkit.createPlacement("Fullscreen", RNAatkit.PlacementSize_Fullscreen);

Then you can reload placement using reloadPlacement function:


    "Fullscreen", (placementReloaded) => {
        console.log("placementReloaded " + placementReloaded);

Also it's possible to let fullscreen ad be auto-reloaded by calling startPlacementAutoReload.

When fullscreen ad is loaded, you can show it calling showPlacement function.


RNAatkit.showPlacement("Fullscreen", (interstitialShown) => {
    console.log("interstitialShown " + interstitialShown);

RNAatkit callbacks

RNAatkit provides callbacks which might be useful, for example to get notified when fullscreen ad is loaded. To receive them, use NativeEventEmitter.

import {
} from '@addapptr/react-native-aatkit'
import { NativeEventEmitter } from 'react-native';

const aatkitEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(RNAatkit);

const subscriptionHaveAd = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    (data) => console.log("AATKitHaveAd placementName " + data.placementName)

const subscriptionNoAds = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    (data) => console.log("AATKitNoAds placementName: " + data.placementName)

const subscriptionPauseForAd = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    (data) => console.log("AATKitPauseForAd placementName: " + data.placementName)

const subscriptionResumeAfterAd = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    (data) => console.log("AATKitResumeAfterAd placementName: " + data.placementName)

const subscriptionObtainedAdRules = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    (data) => console.log("AATKitObtainedAdRules fromTheServer: " + data.fromTheServer)

const managedConsentNeedsUserInterface = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    () => 

const onManagedConsentCompletion = aatkitEmitter.addListener(
    () => 


For more details about functions and callbacks of RNAatkit component, please see the API section on the home page.
