HSL and RGB modes in colour correction always greyed out

Issue #106 resolved
Anton Rosenfeld created an issue

Not sure if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong, but in the windows version, ART_master_1.3-121-gc9bd41a23_20200606_win64, I don’t seem to be able to activate the HSL or RGB modes in the colour correction module. I do have the tool activated.

Comments (6)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    I thought I fixed it, but apparently not. See the comments on #52 for a workaround until I solve it. Thanks!

  2. Anton Rosenfeld reporter

    Oh yes, I didn’t look carefully to see that this issue had already been mentioned. The workaround works fine for now, thanks.

  3. Anton Rosenfeld reporter

    Will do. I don't make my own builds so will wait for it to appear on the nightly builds. Thanks!

  4. Anton Rosenfeld reporter

    Thanks looks like this is fixed. I did get a crash at first that froze my computer completely, then after rebooting could only get ART to work after deleting the cache folder, but no problems since (so far!)

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