ppp missing on export

Issue #127 resolved
RachOS created an issue

Hi there,

I just see a little bug from the export. The ppp is missing but correctly set in ART. Look at the files please 🙂
Thanks a lot!

Comments (10)

  1. agriggio repo owner


    the PPI in the resize tool is only for computing the output size, it does not affect the metadata. For the latter, you need to set the relevant tags in the metadata tab, see the attached screenshot.



  2. RachOS reporter

    Hi, these options are checked, but loot at this:

    Despite an export at 300 dpi, it is not recorded. And once configured in CLI, the Yresolution is set by default to 72ppp ;)


  3. RachOS reporter

    Hi Agriggio, thanks a lot for your quick fix, but it still doesnt works 😞 (for me)



  4. agriggio repo owner

    I’m far from an expert on metadata, so I might just be misunderstanding, but here’s what I get:

    [alb@redspot:~/.../demo/BUG_ART_METADATA]$ exiftool R0011734-3.jpg | grep Resolution
    X Resolution                    : 300
    Y Resolution                    : 300


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