GCC 10.2 pink images

Issue #149 resolved
Mervin Beng created an issue

I am using arch linux (rolling release, latest gcc 10.2). Both the repository build and ./build-art compile versions of ART show the pink image issue.

\$ pacman -Q linux gcc

linux 5.9.11.arch2-1

gcc 10.2.0-4

I have compiled a version with the “-fno-tree-loop-vectorize” option (treat 10.2 same as 10.1), and the problem seems to go away.

Comments (5)

  1. Mervin Beng reporter

    Oh no! I ran ART again, and the pink images have re-appeared. It is very strange indeed. It is not consistent whether the image converts correctly or gets the heavy pink (sometimes magenta) cast.

  2. Mervin Beng reporter

    I have so far checled with Canon CR3, CR2 (EOS 40D, 70D).

    For what it’s worth, the git version of rawtherapee does not appear to have this problem. This was compiled with gcc 10.2.

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