Saved image has black border or wrong dimensions

Issue #189 resolved
xiota created an issue

I’m using the v1.9.1 Linux binary from the download page with a FujiFilm X-T20. I have not tested any other cameras. The result appears to be the same with all demosaicing methods (Fast, Markesteijn, Mono, None). Both the GUI and CLI tool appear to be affected. I am saving to 16-bit TIF.

When border is set between 8-16, there is a literal black border around the image. The expected result is for the image to be cropped. When border is set between 0-7, the image is cropped/resized to 6018x4012. The expected result is for the image to be larger, depending on the border setting. For example, when the border is set to 0, RawTherapee generates a 6032x4026 image.

Also, the image from ART appears slightly soft compared with the one from RawTherapee. I don’t know whether that is the result of other changes in the processing pipeline/tools or from the image being resized.

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