Heavy crop when loading some RAF files from X-T30 and X-T4

Issue #190 resolved
xiota created an issue

When loading some RAF files from the X-T30 and X-T4 (and possibly other X-Trans IV models), the image is heavily cropped. With the attached RAF from an X-T4, image dimensions are 6252x1008. Expected dimensions are 6252x4176. I am using ART built from git commit 04a20d8191273ddbc27ef666b4e40f66c377873d. Unfortunately, I do not have an X-T30 or X-T4 to generate more test images.

This problem also affects RawTherapee 5.8, but has been fixed in the RT git repository. The fix involves changes to rtengine/dcraw.cc. The most current version of the file in RT has more X-Trans cameras added. If ART has not diverged too much from RT, it seems that the entire file, or maybe even the entire folder, could just be copied over so that bugs already fixed in RT will also be fixed in ART.

Note: This issue is the same as #131 with a more useful title and description. I decided to open a new issue because the title and description of the other issue isn’t very descriptive.

The problem has also been described elsewhere:

Here are screenshots from RT illustrate the problem. It pretty much looks the same on ART.

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