Split view on inspector mode

Issue #22 resolved
Felipe Simões created an issue

Comparing two images on the inspector mode (file browser) would be very useful for selecting which picture to keep/delete.

Comments (4)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    Thanks for the suggestion. This seems like a popular request, but I have to think about how to do this properly.

  2. agriggio repo owner

    For example, here are a few questions:

    1. how would you select the two images to compare?
    2. what happens when you select more than two in the file browser?
    3. how to synchronize the motion of the two inspector windows if the user selects two images of different sizes?

    these interaction issues should be sorted out before thinking about an implementation

  3. Sebastien Guyader

    Here are my 2 cts:

    For example, here are a few questions:

    1. how would you select the two images to compare?

    Maybe we can select a first “reference” image, and then simply hover the mouse pointer above the second image. On the left split view, the first (selected) image is always shown, and the the right split view shows whatever image you’re hovering.

    1. what happens when you select more than two in the file browser?

    With the mechanism above, only 1 image can be selected at a time, it would solve this question 2.

    1. how to synchronize the motion of the two inspector windows if the user selects two images of different sizes?

    I’d say you can choose the motion sync behaviour you want, the easiest one to code. It’s nonsense, in my opinion, to compare images of different size, so unless you can find a way to prevent comparing images of different size, just stick with motion sync you find the best.

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