Lens ID Number missing in saved/exported file

Issue #37 resolved
Paul Matthijsse created an issue

Hello, I just noticed that the exif info in saved files is a lot shorter than in the raw file. Especially the Lens ID Number (= used lens) is missing.

(art compiled this morning from git).

Comments (11)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    I had to remove makernotes from the output metadata, as they were causing issues with Tiff files (see #31). This is probably a consequence of that. A better solution would be to cherry pick the makernote metadata to handle… patches are welcome! 😉

  2. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello Alberto, as you know I’m not a (real) programmer, but if you ask me to compile a list with the required basic exif info, I’ll be happy to do that. I had a look already in metadata.cc, but that’s beyond my scope.

  3. agriggio repo owner

    the ideal solution would be to have a black list of problematic metadata that should be excluded from export (or alternatively, a white list of the good ones). Initially, I was blacklisting only some obvious things, but it turned out I was allowing too many tags, which were causing problems in TIFF files. So, I went for a much more conservative approach, in which I only keep what I am sure is safe, disregarding all makernotes. I am not knowledgeable enough to compile a list myself, but if somebody else can do that, I will consider it. Programming skills are not needed, you “only” need to go through the lists of makernote tags at https://exiv2.org/metadata.html and mark all the unsafe ones…

  4. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    “… and mark all the unsafe ones”. How can I know if a tag is safe or not? At the same time, the same file exported with RawTherapee does include this lens info…

    Anyway, this exif stuff is not exactly my thing (I partly translated exiv2 last year as well, crazy all those tags for all those camera brands…). Perhaps another person is willing to take up this job, as lens info is quite important of course.

    My thing is writing/documenting/translating, so I’ll give you today or tomorrow a link to two new articles about masks, so that you can have a look.

    Regards, Paul.

  5. agriggio repo owner

    How can I know if a tag is safe or not?

    trial and error, I suppose… as I said, I also don’t know, that’s why I stayed on the safe side. I’ll see if I can white list some tags, but I’m not sure about that

  6. agriggio repo owner

    I just pushed a change to metadata handling that should help with this. Can you give it a try when you have the chance? Thanks!

  7. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Hello, unfortunately no. My lens id number is not shown (as before) but now also the cameramodel has gone…

  8. agriggio repo owner

    thanks for the quick turnaround. The good news is that I know where I messed up (it was a stupid mistake, indeed), so hopefully the next round will work 🙂

  9. Paul Matthijsse reporter

    Alberto, you’ve got it right this time! All the relevant exif info is there now.

    One little problem left. I thought let’s see if I save a raw to 16-bit tiff, if it loads correct in Photoshop CC (the other time it didn’t). It does, but it has lost the orientation tag. On Linux (gthumb, ristretto) the file is showed correctly (that is landscape mode), on Windows 10 in PS and irfanview the orientation is portrait! Really a very minor problem.

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