Build error with AppleClang

Issue #43 resolved
Carmelo DrRaw created an issue

While testing the automated macOS building on Travis CI, I just encountered the following build error:

/Users/travis/build/aferrero2707/art-win64/art/rtengine/ error: value of type 'int __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)))' (vector of 4 'int' values) is not contextually convertible to 'bool'
            vfloat e = vabsf(upd) > floorv ? vabsf(upd - cur) / vabsf(upd) : ZEROV;
1 error generated.

The full build log is available here:

Comments (12)

  1. Carmelo DrRaw reporter

    Still failing:

    /Users/travis/build/aferrero2707/art-win64/art/rtengine/ error: value of type 'int __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)))' (vector of 4 'int' values) is not contextually convertible to 'bool'
                vfloat e = (vabsf(upd) > floorv) ? (vabsf(upd - cur) / vabsf(upd)) : ZEROV;
    1 error generated.

    It seems that the RT folks fixed a similar issue:

    The fix:

  2. agriggio repo owner

    \o/, thanks a lot!

    Any specific instructions on how to use it (e.g. security permissions for the latest version of macOS)?

  3. Carmelo DrRaw reporter
    • changed status to open

    A new compilation error has recently appeared with AppleClang:

    /Users/travis/build/aferrero2707/art-win64/art/rtengine/ error: no viable conversion from returned value of type 'std::__1::auto_ptr<Exiv2::Image>' to function return type 'std::unique_ptr<Exiv2::Image>'
        return image;

    The full build log can be found here:

    Ping @agriggio

  4. agriggio repo owner

    that’s strange, there should be a move c’tor from auto_ptr to unique_ptr that I thought was standard…maybe I was wrong. I will think of a workaround, thanks!

  5. agriggio repo owner

    my clang version reports no issue (as expected), so I can’t really test, but I believe this patch should work. Can you please try when you have the chance and let me know? Thanks!

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