Crash when selecting the color picker in Haze Removal

Issue #60 resolved
europlatus created an issue

Build 1.2-93 Windows. Selecting the color picker in the Haze Removal module causes a crash to desktop.

Comments (9)

  1. europlatus reporter

    Here is a CR2 and ARP file. I have tested this on multiple images and get differing results. It seems that I commonly get this crash with images in a particular folder - the one I have been working on for the last few weeks. It seems to happen when working on an image that I have previously edited. So could it be to do with using different versions of ART on the same image?

    I will try to do a backtrace as well.
    Edit: As for a backtrace, there is no debug build in the last 3 build packages I’ve downloaded, so does this mean I can’t do a backtrace?

  2. Daniel Catalina

    @europlatus and @agriggio I can reproduce it with the files attached by @europlatus .

    I will have a quick look with a debug version to see if it is something that can be fixed fast :)

  3. Daniel Catalina

    The call stack is

    rtengine::PlanarPtr<float>::operator()(rtengine::PlanarPtr<float> * const this, size_t row, size_t col) (m:\code\art\rtengine\iimage.h:199)
    rtengine::ImProcFunctions::_ZN8rtengine15ImProcFunctions6dehazeEPNS_10ImagefloatE._omp_fn.0(void)() (m:\code\art\rtengine\
    libgomp-1.dll!omp_in_final (Unknown Source:0)
    libwinpthread-1.dll!pthread_create_wrapper (Unknown Source:0)
    msvcrt.dll!msvcrt!_beginthreadex (Unknown Source:0)
    msvcrt.dll!msvcrt!_endthreadex (Unknown Source:0)
    kernel32.dll!KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk (Unknown Source:0)
    ntdll.dll!ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart (Unknown Source:0)
    [Unknown/Just-In-Time compiled code] (Unknown Source:0)

    It crashes in because at this point editWhatever->v is 0x0.

    @agriggio should the check above at line 266 be if (editWhatever && editWhatever->v) instead of if (editWhatever) ?

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