remarks on WindowsInnosetup correction#9f121be

Issue #77 resolved
Gaaned92 created an issue

1- as you suppressed possible art-debug.exe and gdb.exe, do you intend to suppress debug exe from installer?

2- to be sure gdbus.exe is mandatory,

+Source: "{#MyBuildBasePath}\gdbus.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist ignoreversion

should be replaced by

+Source: "{#MyBuildBasePath}\gdbus.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion

Comments (5)

  1. agriggio repo owner

    thanks, I'll fix it.

    Regarding the debug build, I think it doesn't make sense to include it in the installer, I think most people will never use it and never report bugs (sad, but still…).

    However, I would keep it in your binary distributions without installer, so interested people can actually use it and report bugs :-)

  2. Danny Heijl

    Yes please keep the debug build and gdb.exe in the binary distributions, it means I don't have to build on Windows. I don't mind building on Linux.

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