Add an option to filter images by thier date (File browser)

Issue #90 resolved
silvio grosso created an issue

Hello everyone,

It would be useful to add a way to sort files (Jpeg, RAWs etc) by their date of creation.

At present you can already filter them by ISO, Aperture etc but not by their date (File browser stuff:..).

See also:

Darktable 3.0 version has introduced a nice way to visualize the date of creation by adding a visual indicator in the GUIs

Comments (4)

  1. Gaaned92

    Do you mean the creation date of the file or the exif:date time original when the photo was initially taken?

    One simple way is to put the date at the beginning of the name.

  2. silvio grosso reporter

    Hello Gaaned92

    Yep. I mean sort the photos by their EXIF date in order to show only the photos respecting your criteria.

    The same feature you got with Darktable 3.0 where you can decide to show in the gallery only the photos taken during a certain period.

    One option would be to add an option (box) in order to write some SQL code. For instance,”between 2020-05-23 and 2020-01-01” or “> 2018-01-01” etc etc

    With Picasa there is a slider to do this soring by date. At its very left (default setting) everything is shown. When you drag to the right the button of this slider it filters away the photos older (no longer shown in the gallery). At the very right of the button in the slider only the newest photos are shown.

  3. agriggio repo owner

    having two sliders to restrict the range sounds interesting. I'll see what I can do, thanks!

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