
Clone wiki

TraceabilityV2 / Nomenclature


#Nomenclature As with any development work, there are certain terms that will repeatedly appear in the discussion which have specific meanings.

Base Class another name for Functional Class.

Functional Class is the original class that provides the business logic / functionality we wish to examine.

Functional Factory is a factory pattern class that is used to construct a specific functional class.

Functional Layer The projects or layer where core business logic / functionality resides.

Node a grouping of trace data, may contain a tag, parameters, child nodes, a value (which may be null).

Trace Class is a class that adds traceability by wrapping a Functional Class and and intercepting all of its calls.

Trace Data is the data gathered via tracing.

Trace Factory is a factory pattern class that is used to construct a specific trace class. The Trace Factory will be derived from the

Traceable Layer The project or layer in which all trace classes reside.

Tracer a class that is used to gather and store trace data.
