
Alex Hogen Copied from on March 11, 2017. This needs to be located at `/usr/lib/udev/bluetooth`, as the tutorial at the URL says.

Created by Alex Hogen

File bluetooth Added

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+# This script is called by udev when you link a bluetooth device with your comp$
+# It's called to add or remove the device from pulseaudio
+# Output to this file
+# Name of the local sink in this computer
+# You can get it by calling : pactl list short sinks
+# AUDIOSINK="alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_AUD0.0.analog-stereo"
+# User used to execute pulseaudio, an active session must be open to avoid erro$
+# Audio Output for raspberry-pi
+# 0=auto, 1=headphones, 2=hdmi.
+# If on, this computer is not discovearable when an audio device is connected
+# 0=off, 1=on
+echo "For output see $LOGFILE"
+## This function add the pulseaudio loopback interface from source to sink
+## The source is set by the bluetooth mac address using XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX forma$
+## param: XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX
+## return 0 on success
+  if [ -z "$1" ] # zero params
+    then
+        echo "Mac not found" >> $LOGFILE
+    else
+        mac=$1 # Mac is parameter-1
+        # Setting source name
+        bluez_dev=bluez_source.$mac
+        echo "bluez source: $mac"  >> $LOGFILE
+        # This script is called early, we just wait to be sure that pulseaudio $
+        sleep 1
+        # Very that the source is present
+        CONFIRM=`sudo -u pi pactl list short | grep $bluez_dev`
+        if [ ! -z "$CONFIRM" ]
+        then
+            echo "Adding the loopback interface:  $bluez_dev"  >> $LOGFILE
+            echo "sudo -u $USER pactl load-module module-loopback source=$bluez$
+            # This command route audio from bluetooth source to the local sink..
+            # it's the main goal of this script
+            sudo -u $USER pactl load-module module-loopback source=$bluez_dev s$
+            return $?
+        else
+            echo "Unable to find a bluetooth device compatible with pulsaudio u$
+            return -1
+        fi
+    fi
+## This function will detect the bluetooth mac address from input device and co$
+## Lots of devices are seen as input devices. But Mac OS X is not detected as i$
+## return 0 on success
+    echo "Detecting mac from input devices" >> $LOGFILE
+    for dev in $(find /sys/devices/virtual/input/ -name input*)
+    do
+        if [ -f "$dev/name" ]
+        then
+            mac=$(cat "$dev/name" | sed 's/:/_/g')
+            add_from_mac $mac
+            # Endfor if the command is successfull
+            ERRORCODE=$?
+            if [ $ERRORCODE -eq 0]; then
+                return 0
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    # Error
+    return $ERRORCODE
+## This function will detect the bt mac address from dev-path and configure it.
+## Devpath is set by udev on device link
+## return 0 on success
+    if [ ! -z "$DEVPATH" ]; then
+        echo "Detecting mac from DEVPATH"  >> $LOGFILE
+        for dev in $(find /sys$DEVPATH -name address)
+        do
+            mac=$(cat "$dev" | sed 's/:/_/g')
+            add_from_mac $mac
+            # Endfor if the command is successfull
+            ERRORCODE=$?
+            if [ $ERRORCODE -eq 0]; then
+                return 0
+            fi
+        done
+        return $ERRORCODE;
+    else
+        echo "DEVPATH not set, wrong bluetooth device? " >> $LOGFILE
+        return -2
+    fi
+    return $ERRORCODE
+## Detecting if an action is set
+if [ -z "$ACTION" ]; then
+    echo "The script must be called from udev." >> $LOGFILE
+    exit -1;
+## Getting the action
+ACTION=$(expr "$ACTION" : "\([a-zA-Z]\+\).*")
+# Switch case
+case "$ACTION" in
+        # Turn off bluetooth discovery before connecting existing BT device to $
+        if [ $ENABLE_BT_DISCOVER == 1 ]
+        then
+                echo "Set computer as hidden" >> $LOGFILE
+                hciconfig hci0 noscan
+        else
+            echo "Not setting computer as hidden" >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+    # Turn volume to max
+    volume_max
+    # Detect BT Mac Address from input devices
+    detect_mac_from_input
+    OK=$?
+    # Detect BT Mac address from device path on a bluetooth event
+    if [ $OK != 0 ]; then
+        if [ "$SUBSYSTEM" == "bluetooth" ]; then
+            detect_mac_from_devpath
+            OK=$?
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Check if the add was successfull, otherwise display all available sources
+    if [ $OK != 0 ]; then
+        echo "Your bluetooth device is not detected !" >> $LOGFILE
+        echo "Available sources are:" >> $LOGFILE
+        sudo -u $USER pactl list short sources >> $LOGFILE
+    else
+        echo "Device successfully added " >> $LOGFILE
+    fi
+    ;;
+        # Turn off bluetooth discovery before connecting existing BT device to $
+        if [ $ENABLE_BT_DISCOVER == 1 ]
+        then
+                echo "Set computer as visable" >> $LOGFILE
+                sudo hciconfig hci0 piscan
+        else
+            echo "Not setting computer as visible" >> $LOGFILE
+        fi
+    echo "Removed Audio Device" >> $LOGFILE
+    ;;
+    echo "Unsuported action $action" >> $LOGFILE
+    ;;
+echo "--" >> $LOGFILE

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