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GoraExplorer / HBase example data

GoraExplorer has an example HBase for the example connections/tables on the initial deploy.

Download and uncompress HBase 1.2.6, into your home at ~/hbase-1.2.6

Uncompress the file /hbase-data.tgz into the HBase instalation folder ~/hbase-1.2.6. It will create a directory called hbase-alfonso.

Copy the file ~/hbase-1.2.6/hbase-alfonso/hbase-site.xml to ~/hbase-1.2.6/conf and use it as a template, updating the config value of hbase.tmp.dir to the path hbase-alfonso.

Configure export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true in ~/hbase-1.2.6/conf/

Start and stop the localhost HBase with:


cd ~/hbase-1.2.6/bin
