Clone wikiGoraExplorer / User manual
At this moment, the functional sections are: Home, Connections and Tables.
The first window when accessing the application (live demo) is the login window. By default, there is the user admin
with password admin
The elements in the login window are:
- (A) Checkbox to remember the session even when closing the browser
- (B) Dropdown to change the language
- (C) Button to log in.
Application structure
The following image shows the Home section:
The page is divided in two regions:
- (A) One at the left side with the main menu. It can be contracted and expanded with the burger button (C).
- (B) The working region. The user menu is located at the user icon at (D).
The connections section is composed of:
- (A) Action buttons over connections (new/edit/delete), tables(new/edit/delete), and to open a table.
- (B) Connections list
- (C) Tables belonging to the selected connection
In the application it is used the nomenclature "Table" to refer to "Collection of elements" because of the influece from HBase at development time. This nomenclature can be subject to change in the future. At the same time, the Section "Tables" refers to Collections of elements, although the data is first visualized in a tabular format.
Handling schemas and mappings with the wizard
There is a wizard to create and manage schemas and mappings. In the Table dropdown are shown the options "New wizard" and "Edit wizard":
The wizard consist of four steps.
Step 1: descriptive information
The first step is about filling descriptive information and setting the name of the native table/collection or selecting an existing one:
- (A) Progress bar
- (B) Cancel, Back, Next buttons.
- (C) Central area for the data.
Step 2: schema
This step allows to define the schema of the entity that conforms the collection.
The window is composed of the following areas:
- (A) At the left, the entities are defined with their fields. The first entity is the entity that defines the collection of data. The rest of the entities are nested entities that must be referenced with Record, Map or Array types. Entities can be added and deleted with the
buttons at the header. - (B) The right side shows the detailed information of the selected entity/field, where it is set the name, documentation, if the field is nullable, etc. The button (C) allows to add and delete fields to an entity.
Step 3: mapping
The third step objective is to configure the mapping from the fields of the schema (defined in the previous step) to the native database. In this snapshot is shown the mapping for HBase:
It shows to areas:
- (A) The left area shows the entity and it's fields.
- (B) When a field is selected, the right area shows the detailed mapping for it. When the native HBase table exists, the "family" field suggest possible values.
Step 4: review
This last step is for review the schema and mapping generated (still not saved). It allows to edit the definitions before saving:
After updating a schema or mapping of an entity, it is needed to close the elements of the section Tables that are using the entity with The close button:
When a table is selected at Section Connections, and "Open Table" is clicked, the first 10 rows of the selected table are shown in a tabular format at the Section Tables:
This section is divided in three regions:
- (A) The central region shows by default 10 elements of the collection in a tabular format. It shows the simple fields. On top there are the action buttons to add, delete, and load more rows. Once an element is selected, the detailed values (including complex ones) are shown in the right region (C).
- (B) A filter region to search. It allows to set a prefix for the initial key to fetch, an ending key, and the number of elements to load on each load block.
(C) The right region shows the details of the selected element, including the complex fields. At the region header is shown the edit button. That changes once clicked:
Access to the edit mode.
Once in edit mode, saves the changes made.
Discards the changes made.
The region contains a breadcrumb that allows to navigate through the recursive data structure (this is nonexistent in relational databases software). It shows only the already-visited nodes of the data:
Each field of the selected element has a set of buttons with the following meaning:
"View More" button. The functionality depends on the type of field. In the case of complex fields, shows the detailed data of the field.
"Add value" button. When a field has a null value, this button adds the default value.
"Delete value" button. When a field is nullable, deletes de value and sets the field to
.Read-only checkbox that shows whether the field has a
value or not.