please support -fobjc-weak in xcode7.3

Issue #91 resolved
Former user created an issue

Initialization: Processing precompiled header #14/14 (ARC, Objective-C++, arm64) ERROR: Initialization: Error when parsing precompiled header #13: error: unknown argument: '-fobjc-weak' ERROR: Initialization: There were errors when parsing the precompiled header #13. ERROR: Initialization: Error when parsing precompiled header #11: error: unknown argument: '-fobjc-weak' ERROR: Initialization: Error when parsing precompiled header #12: error: unknown argument: '-fobjc-weak' ERROR: Initialization: There were errors when parsing the precompiled header #11. ERROR: Initialization: There were errors when parsing the precompiled header #12. ERROR: Initialization: Error when parsing precompiled header #14: error: unknown argument: '-fobjc-weak' ERROR: Initialization: There were errors when parsing the precompiled header #14.

============== Set Build Settings -> Apple LLVM 7.1 - Language - Objective C -> Weak References in Manual Retain Release to YES.

create __weak reference in file using manual reference counting

then faux pas run report error,but Xcode run well

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