push after rebasing seems a failed deploy

Issue #15 on hold
Linus Holtstiege created an issue


i love your script, it really works fine on single branches for me. but when i update a feature branch like "git pull --rebase origin master" and pushing it with "git push -f" it don't deploys the changed files :/

Any idea?

best regards Linus

Comments (4)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    OK, I just looked into this an it looks like this is related to a known issue with Bitbucket's Post service hook. For some reason, Bitbucket fails to include all the commits when there was a fast-forward merge involved, so the list of commits it sends through the hook is incomplete. It turns out, this bug/limitation also applies to rebases.

    More exactly, the post service hook includes only the rebased commits in the list (which were on your feature branch) and none of the upstream commits (which were on the master branch). So the deploy script will sync only the files from the feature branch, since it has no information that other files might have been changed on master.

    I'm afraid there's not much I can do in regards to this. The only possible workaround would be to use a regular merge and not a rebase (and make sure the merge is not fast-forward), but that would mean to change your work flow.

    More information about the hook issue here: https://bitbucket.org/site/master/issue/7775

  2. Linus Holtstiege reporter

    Thank you for your reply.

    At the moment I prefer a full deploy, so I don't have to change my workflow. But we will see, if bitbucket fix it :)

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