Merge problem

Issue #23 duplicate
Johannes Dahlén created an issue

Thanks for a great utility. This is exactly what I need.

But I have an issue. I don't know if I'm just doing something the wrong way... I have set up the config to the branch 'master'. And this works when I do a push from SourceTree to master. But when I worked with another branch, 'development', for a time, and then wanted to merge the changes to master, the changes didn't reflect on the server. Everything seems right in Bitbucket - the branch 'master' is updated - but nothing happens on the server, no failed commit..

Sorry if this is a newbie question, I'm quite new to the entire Git thing.

Comments (3)

  1. Johannes Dahlén reporter

    A full deploy worked fine... so I guess I'm just doing the merge wrong in some way?

  2. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    This is related to a known issue with Bitbucket's Post service hook. For some reason, Bitbucket fails to include all the commits when there was a fast-forward merge involved, so the list of commits it sends through the hook is incomplete. It turns out, this bug/limitation also applies to rebases.

    The only possible workaround would be to use a regular merge (not a fast-forward one) and no rebases. Otherwise, simply use full deployment and not incremental deployment.

    More information about the hook issue here:

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