Creation of commits folder

Issue #5 resolved
none none created an issue

It's been my experience that the commits folder needs to be manually generated for each new project/website.

Was wondering if it might be better to either...

a) Include an empty 'commits' folder by default

b) Have the script create this folder automatically when required

Comments (6)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    I would rather go for option a, although the recommendation is to keep the 'commits' folder outside public_html (or www) directories, out of reach from public. Also, there can be a single 'commits' folder for all projects defined in config.php.

  2. Kiran K


    I am pulling my private repository to my shared hosting server. But all the time i am getting the errors showed in the screen shot.

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home/choco/public_html/bitbucket-sync/deploy.php on line 394

    # Unable to deploy the extracted files to /public_html/test/. Deployment is incomplete!

    Thanks Kiran

  3. none none reporter

    Hi Kiren

    Try replacing /public_html/test/ with /home/choco/public_html/test/ in the $DEPLOY section of your config.php.

  4. none none reporter

    Thanks Alex, I hadn't really thought about the security implications of having your commits folder publicly accessible.

    While it would be difficult for an attacker to guess the name of any of the commits inside a properly secured server it would indeed be a massive issue for any servers that honor directory listings (particularly if the commit contained sensitive information or could be used to discover weaknesses)

    @fadev Glad to hear it worked!

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