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sqlite4java / Platforms / Snapdragon

This guide shows how to create Android builds using Snapdragon llvm compiler.

Setup Steps - cross compiled on Ubuntu.

  1. Download Snapdragon llvm compiler: This guide used the linux build.
  2. Download Android NDK version r17 (this is the version the snapdragon llvm works with according to the guide):
  3. Extract the NDK into the directory you intend to use it in.
  4. Extract the snapdragon llvm download (for linux: Snapdragon-llvm-6.0.2-linux64.tar.gz) directly into your NDK folder
  5. Make sure your NDK_HOME environment variable path is pointed to the NDK you just setup - or you can pass it as an argument to the gant build script.
  6. Run gant clean android-snapdragon

##Further Reading * For further reading on the snapdragon setup process, The llvm download contains a README-install file that details setting up the NDK.
