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sqlite4java / UsingWithMaven

sqlite4java has a number of artifacts: the main artifact com.almworks.sqlite4java:sqlite4java is a jar file with Java classes, and one binary artifact for each target platform/architecture. You need to add dependency on the main artifact and at least one binary artifact.

Furthermore, when sqlite4java initializes, it will not be able to automatically find binary artifacts in the Maven repository, so you either need to add goals to somehow place sqlite4java-*.jar in the same directory with *.dll/*.so/*.jnilib artifacts, or pass sqlite4java.library.path system property to the process using sqlite4java, or use SQLite.setLibraryPath() as the first method you call when working with sqlite4java.

List of artifacts:

groupId artifactId type
com.almworks.sqlite4java sqlite4java jar
com.almworks.sqlite4java libsqlite4java-linux-amd64 so
com.almworks.sqlite4java libsqlite4java-linux-i386 so
com.almworks.sqlite4java libsqlite4java-osx jnilib
com.almworks.sqlite4java libsqlite4java-osx-10.4 jnilib
com.almworks.sqlite4java libsqlite4java-osx-ppc jnilib
com.almworks.sqlite4java sqlite4java-win32-x64 dll
com.almworks.sqlite4java sqlite4java-win32-x86 dll

Sample POM:



