you are not logged in or have disallowed imap downloads

Issue #7 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I hover over the preview icon, I receive this error but I am able to receive messages in my inbox which I believe implies that I am logged in and can download imap. Is this a bug?

Comments (21)

  1. alta88 repo owner

    Are you saying you 1) successfully did a ‘Get new messages’ on an imap folder, 2) left and came back to that folder, 3) the tooltip still shows ‘not logged in...’?

    What if you then open the Tools->Developer Tools->Error console and enter delete MessagePreview._cache ?

  2. sky88

    Yes that is correct. Performed the delete as you mentioned and still the same result.

    i tried to reinstall TB with just 1 gmail account and minimal addons and the program works ok with no error.

    But when I have all the other addons and accounts the error seems to occur.

  3. sky88

    Have disabledall the addons. But allowed all the accounts (2 gmail, 1 yahoo, 1 office365 account), still the same error.

  4. alta88 repo owner

    Are all those imap? Does it occur for each of those accounts?

    Select an imap inbox. In the error console, enter the following command:gFolderDisplay.displayedFolder.server.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIImapServerSink).userAuthenticated;

    If the answer is false (this and the setting in options is what MP tests), and yet you have signed in, then there is a basic Tb bug somewhere for that provider’s server.

    Please try with each provider.

  5. sky88

    Thanks. the answer is false for all accounts.

    1. I have deleted and readded the accounts and get the same result. But as mentioned when I reinstalled TB with just 1 account, it seemed to work. So maybe I just have to try a fresh start?

    2. I also notice each time I reboot, MP column is not available, I have to disable and re-enable MP to see the MP column again.

  6. alta88 repo owner

    I have turned on an unused test only gmail imap account, and when it is signed in, my other imap accounts also have that property as false. So it’s recreatable and apparently a bug in Tb handling gmail (there’s some specific code for it I recall).

    If you do not sign into gmail, does it work for the other accounts? It works when gmail is signed in, for gmail.

  7. sky88

    Gmail seems to work for me. I started with a fresh install of TB and Gmail and yahoo accounts are fine when previously not. I have an exchange account which uses 2FA and which I use VPN to access, that still shows the error.

  8. alta88 repo owner

    This is very difficult to reproduce consistently. The only way I can do it is to have 2 accounts, both check mail at startup, with passwords saved. Restart, check MP columns. Then, remove the gmail saved password from Preferences->Saved Passwords. Both accounts will be userAuthenticated false (Tb bug), but on restart, the one with saved password will work once a password is entered for the gmail account (if cancelled, not gmail obviously) – connecting all accounts is blocked on any of them having a password prompt at startup.

  9. sky88

    I think it might be mainly a bug in my current TB as a fresh install of TB works for the Gmail and yahoo accounts, just not for the MS exchange 2FA account (which I’m ok with if just exchange is not working).

  10. sky88

    Still the same problem. Have not been able to get it to work since my earlier post in Mar 2021. Any new suggestions?

  11. alta88 repo owner

    Try this: on restart, and the same problem, go into the console and enter

    MessagePreview._cache = {}

    then get messages on the imap inbox; then hover the column again.

  12. sky88

    thanks. I'm not that technical but I presume you mean go into config editor and add |MessagePreview._cache = {}| There is a choice of Boolean, number, string, I tried it with all 3 and didn't work. After each I go back to the inbox of that account and "get messages". I presume that is how I "log in" since the error says I have not logged in. I notice in config editor, there no other MessagePreview configurations as compared to other addons. Any more tips? thanks

  13. alta88 repo owner

    No, Tools-Developer Tools-Developer Toolbox, then enter that line in the command line of the Console.

  14. sky88

    Yes, apologies for not seeing that instruction earlier. Still the same error, the screenshot of the output is below. I noticed with your instruction to check with command: |gFolderDisplay.displayedFolder.server.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIImapServerSink).userAuthenticated;| the output for all the imap folders are false, which is very strange as I am receiving emails into all these inboxes. Thanks for you continued help.

  15. alta88 repo owner

    Well, userAuthenticated must be true for ML to not show that error. If you issue

    gFolderDisplay.displayedFolder.server.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIImapServerSink).userAuthenticated = true

    does it work? It seems like a Tb bug at this point..

  16. sky88

    I think you are probably right. I tested a new install and there was no problem. I deleted MP, shut down, restarted TB and reinstalled MP and now it seems to be working ok. Have tried that in the past and it didn't work. Possibly the combination of that and the cache command worked? Thanks for your help

  17. sky88

    I thought I had resolved it following the last post but the problem recurred the day after after a period of use. I have been trying to troubleshoot by new installing and seeing when the bug occurs but I just can't seem to get it to happen consistently.

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