Adding lists to toc with proper font

Issue #133 closed
Johannes Böttcher created an issue

Suppose a user wants to add the list of figures and similar entries to the table of contents. The entries are not set using \spacedlowersmallcaps as other chapter entries are.

MWE to reproduce the issue:


Reported at mrunix

Official response

Comments (4)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention and the solution. Building on KOMA will be discontinued in the future, but a solution for this case was found in the mrunix forum etc.:

    Solved in English:

    Solved in German:

        test\index{test} test \index{test2}

    Now also in the wiki:

  2. Johannes Böttcher reporter

    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\tocEntry{Tabellenverzeichnis}} \listoffigures

    This will add Tabellenverzeichnis fürs Abbildungsverzeichnis.

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