Overlapping characters between footnote number with two digits and footnote text when using footmisc

Issue #154 resolved
Hugues de Lassus created an issue

Here's a MWE with LaTeX2e, classicthesis latest version, using footmisc. footmisc itself does not cause the problem.

\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with one digit}
\footnote{Footnote with two digits} % "0" and "F" may overlap here.

The problem comes from the negative length set for \footnotemargin with the flushmargin option. The following patch fixes the problem.

--- classicthesis.sty.orig      2018-04-02 00:33:02.689565353 +0200
+++ classicthesis.sty   2018-04-02 00:33:14.857564987 +0200
@@ -594,11 +594,9 @@
     \message{Using KOMA-command "deffootnote" for footnote setup}%
-    \PassOptionsToPackage{flushmargin}{footmisc}%
-    \setlength{\footnotemargin}{-.5em}%
-    \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Using package "footmisc" with option %
-        "flushmargin" for footnote setup (not 100\% the same as with KOMA)}%
+    \PackageWarningNoLine{classicthesis}{Using package "footmisc" for %
+      footnote setup (not 100\% the same as with KOMA)}%

 % ********************************************************************

Official response

  • André Miede repo owner

    Thank you for pointing to this problem and providing a solution. Changing to the marginal option is another possibility which is a bit closer to our KOMA-approach from its appearance.


    The fix will be in the next release.

Comments (2)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Thank you for pointing to this problem and providing a solution. Changing to the marginal option is another possibility which is a bit closer to our KOMA-approach from its appearance.


    The fix will be in the next release.

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