Babel Greek support and Greek output

Issue #185 closed
Quantum created an issue

In my thesis, I would like to insert quotations in ancient Greek.

In particular, I aim at using teubner, a package which maps Latin characters (plus some commands) in the input into Greek characters (with correct accents, spiriti etc.) in the output. Thus, there is no need to allow Greek characters in the tex file and no need to change the utf8 input encoding.

There is, however, a need to call babel with the option greek along with classicthesis. This results in many errors and no pdf output is produced. The errors seem to be font-related as the messages contain expressions like \T1/pplj/m/n/9.

These errors can be reproduced by

  1. starting with a fresh classicthesis config file and
  2. amending the optional babel arguments by greek, i.e.
    \PassOptionsToPackage{ngerman, american}{babel}
    -> \PassOptionsToPackage{ngerman, greek, american}{babel}

My setup is pdfTeX under MiKTeX 20.11. All packages have been checked for updates two weeks ago.

I would be grateful for any help!

PS: There is a related bitbucket issue (#5 “All Greek to me ;-)”). It suggests to include into the config tex file the following lines:
\let@roman\latin@roman \let@Roman\latin@Roman%

Unfortunately, these lines did not help in my case.
I tried two places to insert theses commands. Either directly below the babel call or quite at the end of the config file where there are similar commands:
\let@roman\latin@roman \let@Roman\latin@Roman%

The situation got worse: New errors like Missing \begin{document} arise and still no pdf is produced. :-/

Comments (4)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Best thing is to start with a simple example (one of the files in the template's Examples directory). Do the errors show even if you comment out the call to classicthesis? What if you set palatino=false? This seems like a complex problem, if nothing helps I'd advise asking at with a well-prepared minimal example.

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