Footnotemark in Subfloat (Subfigure) results in error.

Issue #187 closed
Sebastian Büttner created an issue

Using \footnotemark with \footnotetext in the context of \subfloat results in version 4.6 in the following error:

! Argument of \sf@@@subfloat has an extra }.

How to reproduce:

Use new classic thesis 4.6 template.
Go to file “Chapter02.tex”, lines 176 (and following).
Replace line 178 with \subfloat[Asia personas duo.\footnotemark]
Add line 190 \footnotetext{Some text.}

Note: Footnotemark and footnotetext did work well in version 4.2.

Official response

Comments (3)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    What you put in the caption gets written to the .lof file, which later produces the list of figures. This is not where you want your footnote mark to appear, in addition the caption itself. Use \subfloat[Asia personas duo for LOF.]{Asia personas duo.\footnotemark}. More ideas here: Why it worked before? IDK. We don't really touch this stuff in classicthesis, afaik.

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