AMS breaks equation positioning

Issue #188 closed
Jack Henry created an issue

Steps to produce the issue:
Performing the following in LyX:

  1. Produce the pdf of Chapter 3. All the equations should be centered in the page
  2. Place the cursor below the first equation in Chapter 3
  3. Insert > Math > AMS * Environment (any AMS environment)
  4. Produce the pdf. All the equations become aligned to the left of the page

Alternate Method:

  1. Produce the pdf of Chapter 3. All the equations should be centered in the page
  2. Right click an equation in Chapter 3 LyX
  3. AMS Environment > click and environment
  4. Produce the pdf. All the equations become aligned to the left of the page

Expected Output:
The equations should be centred to the page. I found this issue when trying to make a multiline equation to display a long equation broken between two lines.

Product Versions:
Windows 10 64 bit
MiKTeX Console 4.2.1
LyX 2.3.6 or 2.3.0or2 (both seem to produce the same issue)
Classic Thesis v4.4 or v4.6 (both seem to produce the same issue)

Someone I know submitted using Classic Thesis in 2018. I tried using their version of LyX (LyX 2.3.0or2)

Official response

Comments (6)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    For some reason LyX adds \PassOptionsToPackage{fleqn}{amsmath} to the preamble when the amsmath package is loaded. It should be enough to add \@fleqnfalse to Document Settings → LaTeX preamble in LyX to undo the fleqn option.

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