Problema testatine su classicthesis style

Issue #45 closed
Former user created an issue
Buona notte a tutti,

Sono nuovo di qui e vi scrivo per un problema che non sono riuscito a risolvere, sperando
di trovare fra voi una soluzione.

Premetto che uso classicthesis v3.1 beta su LyX e non su LaTeX.

E' molto semplice: quando compilo il mio file (master document contenente diversi child
ones) su ogni pagina del pdf compare in alto sulla testatina destra il titolo del capitolo
e su quella sinistra il titolo della sezione. Fino a qui tutto normale il fatto è però
che i titoli vengono riprodotti in maiuscoletto mentre le parole in corsivo (emph)
restano in testo normale e sopratutto non hanno iniziali maiuscole nonostante sia sul
titolo che sulle sezioni le iniziali maiuscole ci siano sempre.
Un piccolo esempio: la parola Homo sapiens deve essere scritta in corsivo essendo un
nome specifico perciò se comparisse su un titolo come fare per far si che sia scritta
in corsivo?

Ho dato una occhiata al file classicthesis.sty dove vivono le istruzioni LaTeX Per
Lyx e credo che sia proprio qui debba modificare qualcosa, ma cosa?

% ********************************************************************
% headlines
% ********************************************************************
       \RequirePackage{scrpage2} % provides headers and footers (KOMA Script)


   %\DeclareRobustCommand{\fixBothHeadlines}[1]{} % <--- ToDo
   % hack to get the content headlines right (thanks, Lorenzo!)

Spero di essermi spiegato bene e grazie per l'aiuto.
Scusate ma sono ancora un Rookie,


Original issue reported on by gian.benucci on 2011-12-01 00:47:08

Comments (8)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    ``` Could you re-submit that report in English, please? ```

    Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2011-12-01 07:07:08

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Sorry, I thought there were also Italian users into this forum... I am sorry, i am new here.

    I state before that I use classicthesis v3.1 beta of LyX and not the LaTeX version of it.

    I meant, when you compile the pdf, in the right up part of the pages you can see the running title of the chapter, while in the other page you see the section title. The default text for these headings is \spacedlowsmallcaps. The problem is that in my case I have some words (i.e., Species or General names) that must be in \emph style, so I use \emph in those word of the Chapter titles. When LyX compile the .pdf it does not use the capital letters in those words of the title that are in the \emph style but without capitals(I would mean italic style).

    For example: if I have the words Homo sapiens in the title of a Chapter... LyX "writes" \emph{homo sapiens}, that is scientifically incorrect... and the rest of the text is in \spacedlowsmallcaps

    I gave a look to the where LaTeX commands live that is classicthesis.sty where I suppose I think should change something, but what?

    % ************** % headlines % ************** \PassOptionsToPackage{automark}{scrpage2} \RequirePackage{scrpage2} % provides headers and footers (KOMA Script) \clearscrheadings \setheadsepline{0pt} \ifthenelse{\boolean{@nochapters}}% {\relax}%


    \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\enspace\spacedlowsmallcaps{#1}}} \lehead{\mbox{\llap{\small\thepage\kern2em}\headmark\hfil}} \rohead{\mbox{\hfil{\headmark}\rlap{\small\kern2em\thepage}}} \renewcommand{\headfont}{\small} %\DeclareRobustCommand{\fixBothHeadlines}[1]{} % <--- ToDo % hack to get the content headlines right (thanks, Lorenzo!) \def\toc@heading{% \ifthenelse{\boolean{@nochapters}}% {\section*{\contentsname}}%nochapters {\chapter*{\contentsname}}%chapters \@mkboth{\spacedlowsmallcaps{\contentsname}}{\spacedlowsmallcaps{\contentsname}}}

    Thanks and I hope I was clear,

    Gian ```

    Original issue reported on by `gian.benucci` on 2011-12-01 10:19:25

  3. André Miede repo owner

    ``` Actually, this is not a forum but a bug-reporting system :-) However.

    For most (all?) fonts I know, there are no small caps in italics, so what you ask for does not work with these fonts.

    IMHO, the only option would be to work entirely without \emph etc. in chapter and section titles. That would be typographically consistent with the general layout.

    Hope this helps anyway.


    Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2011-12-01 10:47:31 - Labels added: Type-Other, Priority-Low - Labels removed: Type-Defect, Priority-Medium

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` André, I think that Gian was reporting a different thing. I have the same problem in some titles. What was Gian saying is that \emph{Homo sapiens} when promoted to the heeadline becomes \emph{homo sapiens}. He expects "H" and not "h". The fact that "Homo sapiens" is not in smallcaps but only in italics is what one would expect, I guess.

    My problem is with chemical symbols: I need Ir for iridium, and not IR or ir. Currently there's no way of escaping lowercasing operation, for example by putting a word inside {}.


    Original issue reported on by `ivo.pletikosic` on 2011-12-11 00:44:12

  5. André Miede repo owner

    ``` Case changes can be escaped via: \NoCaseChange{Homo Sapiens}

    This is part of the textcase package that classicthesis uses/loads internally:

    However, such manual "refinements" might cause optical problems ;-) ```

    Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2011-12-13 11:01:31

  6. Former user Account Deleted
    Thanks for your latest tip on this topic André. I'm using ClassicThesis to write my
    Thesis and had the same issue with gene names (they should always be in upper case
    and in italics). I managed to get it right on section titles by using \NoCaseChange
    and changing the fontsize to \footnotesize (otherwise it looked bigger than the rest
    of the title). It's not as beautiful as the default, but it's the correct way to write
     In case someone else needs to use this workaround I'll point out that it is necessary
    to use \NoCaseChange in first place and then change the font size, I did it like this
    \NoCaseChange{{\footnotesize \textit{UPPERCASETEXT}}}}

    Original issue reported on by nachoerquiaga on 2012-11-05 18:27:44

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