Captions and references in appendix have wrong case if "floatperchapter" is used

Issue #82 open
André Miede repo owner created an issue
Changing the captions via

helps, but the issue with \ref/\autoref remains.

But then all visual appearances of the counter have to be fixed (similiar or even worse
to part numbering hack)

% Thanks to cgnieder and Claus Lahiri

Original issue reported on by amiede on 2014-03-14 10:39:53 <hr> * Attachment: ClassicThesis_fpc.pdf

Comments (4)

  1. André Miede reporter

    Still causes more and more problems, when tried to fix. Ivo's experiences:

    Working through the chapters I realized that the fix with \captionsetup{...} in -config.sty was aiming at the appearance of the float labels (like A.1) in the appendices. That still doesn't work for me if I'm using utf8, tried it in many other ways. Then I thought


    would work, an it did for tables and figures, but not for listings. H. Oberdiek found a solution to that bug in listings package, but now I'd almost like to avoid this whole issue as the label with \textsc{a}.1 somehow doesn't look right. I'd rather see that A moved down, like the old figure 4.

  2. André Miede reporter

    Rediscovered an old mail also addressing this issue (thanks to the sender!):

    in classicthesis-config.tex:

    1. defined and added labelformat=smallcaps \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{smallcaps}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{~}\MakeTextLowercase{\textsc{#2}}} \captionsetup{format=hang,font=small,labelformat=smallcaps} corrects all captions

    2. added package cleveref and redefined the default label format all references to appendix related material need to be with \cref instead of \ref \usepackage{cleveref} \crefdefaultlabelformat{#2\MakeLowercase{\textsc{#1}}#3} corrects all references within the text (not in the list of figures, tables, listings!)

    in classicthesis.sty

    1. added formatting to headings definition \lehead{\mbox{\llap{\small\thepage\kern2em}\textsc{\MakeLowercase{\headmark}}\hfil}} \rohead{\mbox{\hfil{\textsc{\MakeLowercase{\headmark}}}\rlap{\small\kern2em\thepage}}} corrects all headings

    2. added formatting to the 'list of' definitions

    Figures: \renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\figurename~\scshape\MakeTextLowercase}%Fig.~} \settowidth{\figurelabelwidth}{\figurename~999}%{\figurename~999}

    Tables: \renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{\tablename~\scshape\MakeTextLowercase}%Tab.~} \settowidth{\tablelabelwidth}{\tablename~999}

    Listings: \renewcommand{\cftlistingspresnum}{\lstlistingname~\scshape\MakeTextLowercase}% \settowidth{\listingslabelwidth}{\lstlistingname~999}%

    Bis auf Punkt 2 kann man die Änderungen zentral Steuern. Bei Punkt 2 müssen alle Verweise von \ref auf \cref geändert werden. Leider funktioniert Punkt 4 in meinem persönlichen Thesis Dokument nicht und die Lables in den List of Figures and Tables bleiben weiterhin Grossbuchstaben. Das muss sich mit irgendeiner anderen Einstellung nicht vertragen. Ich habe leider noch nicht rausgefunden was das Problem ist.

    Eine grundsätzlichere Lösung bezüglich des Appendixlabels wäre immernoch wünschenswert.

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