Smarthost (Default SMTP Route)

Issue #281 resolved
Scott MacDonald created an issue

Using version 1.0.7 and the Default SMTP Route (Smarthost) system setting does not work when "need authentication" is checked -- and credentials are provided. I have confirmed that the credentials are indeed valid but subsequent attempts to authenticate via results in the message being queued until it fails or the Smarthost system setting is unchecked (disabling the feature) allowing mail to be delivered directly.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott MacDonald reporter

    Yes, tried v2.0.0 and it didn't even try to use the Default SMTP route setting -- regardless if I filled it in with or without authentication creds -- it just happily continued to send email directly itself.

  2. SH repo owner

    It just happily continued to send email directly itself.

    You need to send local emails through external smtp?

    (also please see outgoing transaction logs at /var/log..., which are very descriptive)

  3. Scott MacDonald reporter

    Please see Issue 283... and to clarify, email from a local domain going to a remote domain is being delivered by the local host and not the configured default SMTP route (smarthost). I've added log information showing the email received by a local account was delivered by the local host and not the configured smarthost.

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